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What are Soul Sessions? 

Soul Sessions are a combination of yoga therapy and energetic healing using a range of modalities to promote health and healing on an individual basis holistically, mind, body and spirit.


Rather than only treating the symptoms of a specific health concern, these sessions consider the whole picture, working to identify the root cause of an issue to working towards allowing true healing to occur.


Using a combination of bio medical, somatic yoga therapies and holistic healing therapies, you are guided to inquire into all aspects of yourself in relation to a particular issue or need whether it be a physical ailment, emotional or spiritual blockage.

The modalities used guide you to understand the effects that your current habits, patterns or beliefs have had on your body systems metaphysically and with this awareness and knowledge, work towards positive change.


Together we will implement a personalised and evolving practice, that not only addresses issues in a multi-dimensional manner, but also aims to alleviate suffering in a progressive, non-invasive way.




By appointment


In Studio  & Online Classes 


Duration & Cost *

1:1 - 60 minutes $80

Couples Yoga - 60 minutes $120





For the Folk Yoga and Wellness


Melissa has a deep sense of awareness and understanding of how trauma impacts physical health having used somatic yoga therapies to overcome her own battles with infertility, anxiety, depression and gastrointestinal reflux disease.It is from this space of understanding and empathy, she is able to hold space and guide you to explore your Self.

What modalities
can I expect? 


Modalities chosen based on your specific

needs, progressing and refining as required.​


Modalities can include:

  • Yoga asana

  • Mind body medicine

  • Kundalini yoga therapy

  • Mood food yoga

  • Guided meditations

  • Breath work

  • Reiki energy healing and crystal therapy

  • Art therapy

  • Past life regression

  • Tarot and oracle reading

  • Spiritual counselling.


With over 1000+ hours of training immersion and 10,000hrs of teaching yoga, Melissa has been guiding clients through their practices and reiki healing for over 20+ years. She has a passion for empowering women to embrace ALL aspects of their being. 

What to expect in a session...



Each Soul Session will commences with a relaxed chat and a herbal tea on the mat. We use this time to connect and talk about how you are feeling, what brought you in for a session and any emotional and physical symptoms you may be experiencing. 



Through mind body medicine and intuitive assessment we will explore. We assess physically through yoga for somatic movement and energetically and metaphysically for further insight.


From here we create a plan together choosing the modalities to suit your needs and work into these.



After our session, I provide feedback and any messages that came forward for you. You have the space to share any details from your experiences or ask any questions. We close the session by complete a sealing ritual together.​

For the Folk Yoga and Wellness

Soul Sessions are offered in a package including 4 x Soul Sessions with Melissa.
Your first session will include connection and assessment as well as therapies and be longer in duration, around 90mins. Your 3 remaining sessions are around 60 min each and further build and adjust for your needs as required. You choose, in the studio or online.

Payment plans available.



But what if I haven't practiced yoga before?

Many people who are new to yoga, or have physical injuries find these sessions really beneficial for starting a practice or rehabilitation. Learning how to move or modify to suit their individual needs. There is no prior requirement for experience in anyway.


How many sessions will I need?

Healing is a journey, it takes time to unravel layers and replenish. These sessions are offered only as a package.  4 sessions to start.  From here you can decide if you would like to go deeper or explore a different area.  Most often, clients will find sessions very rewarding and continue as desired.   Always guided by your intuition.


What do I need to bring?​​

Nothing, all props, and supplies are in the studio ready to support you.


Can I just come for energy healing?

Absolutely, these sessions are created to support you. If you are guided to these sessions for art therapy, meditation or kriyas, we create your Soul Session to suit.

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